My Life's a blank canvas,
My Blood is the Ink,
The picture i paint you
Will cause you to think
The earth is round
But so are other planets
Life is green
And plants grow
We live but give away
My Skins a self portrait
A map of my mind
Of life past and present
Of days so unkind
And teary, weak nights
Humanity is the field
Not level I must say
I cant stop expression(s)
I cant stop dreams
I can't come in between,
the fairness and hurt yet;
I hope for better "Living"
We walk with frowns
Some smiles we don't receive
Preoccupied by the consciousness of our thoughts
And worries for later time(s)
I must confess
The work is only finished
When finished with harm
Oblivious of the fact
We have left hearts broken in our rise
Wings fallen in flight
We set sail
Hoping to hit treasure Island
So when we say
Life is not fair
Do we dare to think
Or let our reflections
Seek deep enough
Within the walls
Of our every action
Now at crossroads I stand
Uncertain whether to forge
Or lay still my thoughts for another day .
- Jae
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